Friday 26 August 2011

Follow Friday – #8

This week's featured blogs are
Caught in the Pages
Jenni Elyse

Welcome to week numero ocho!

Here's this week's question:

Q. In books like the Sookie Stackhouse (True Blood) series the paranormal creature in question "comes out of the closet" and makes itself known to the world. Which mythical creature do you wish would come out of the closet, for real?

Oh darn. I'm going to say nothing from Buffy this time! At least, not unless it's Angel or Spike – they can drop in at anytime providing their souls are in tact. And I think you catch my drift there, Buffy fans...! Ha.

So then... vampires... and they all have souls? Or maybe the elves from The Lord of the Rings. I guess anything non-evil would be okay in my book, then!

Who, or what, would you want to see 'come out of the closet'?